The Great Outdoors Magazine editor Chris Townsend recently took one of our X3 Alpine Packs into the Scottish Mountains for a few days to review the largest pack we currently offer.

"As a winter daypack, the X3 is excellent, easily holding everything needed and very comfortable on the back. I’m impressed. Later in the year I’ll try it for backpacking and write a follow-up. In the meantime, if you want a lightweight pack that’ll probably last forever the X3 could be the answer. It is expensive but then it should never need replacing. It’s also only available in white or black (the latter is very slightly heavier) and in one back length. The last shouldn’t be too big a problem as the simple back doesn’t require precise fitting."

Needless to say Chris was impressed with the X3 Alpine calling it a "minimalist lightweight super-strong pack" and awarded it a TGO Best Buy.
Chris will test and review the X3 again later on this year as he heads to the Cuillin Range on the Isle of Skye.
Read about Chris's first impressions of the X3 at the TGO website: