In 1998, we loaded a Maestro van with an espresso maker, sleeping bags, and some old ice axes, and drove to Italy. We had seen a photo of the Matterhorn and wanted to climb it. We had no mountaineering experience, and a borrowed set of ragtag gear. Two miracles happened: we got to the top; and we survived.

1999-2014 THE ODYSSEY
1999-2014 THE ODYSSEY
We fell in love with mountaineering, and we fell in love with the Alps. In our second year we climbed the Eiger and Mt Blanc, and the peaks on Monte Rosa. We climbed on and on, from one end of the Alps to the other, climbing almost all the 4000 m peaks over a period of 20 years, some of them several times.

2014-2018 THE PACKS
2014-2018 THE PACKS
In 2014, having climbed together all over the world, including over seventy 4000 m peaks, we embarked on a mission to build the ultimate climbing pack. We know engineering and we know climbing. Built for alpine environments, climbing, and ultralight backpacking our philosophy is ultimate strength and stripped-down simplicity.